+1 978.610.1234
Chris Daly
Chris joined the investor group CCH in 2005, and worked as CFO for their portfolio of companies that included TVPX, JADAK, Advanced Data Capture, Remitatax, and various smaller holdings. Over the past 10 years, Chris worked with the board on executing the strategic growth and divestiture plans within the investor portfolio, which included successfully selling the non-strategic companies outside of the aviation focus. In Q1 of 2014, the strategic realignment to include only aviation companies under TVPX was completed. Since then, Chris has been working full time as CFO for the TVPX companies. Chris oversees all financial, banking, operational systems, investor relations, and works with the board and management team on growth strategies.
Prior to 2005, Chris has held various positions within a few industries including CEO/CFO for a consulting and software company, CFO/COO of two manufacturing companies (one sold to a public company), Director of Finance of a software company that is now a public company, and Director of Business Consulting Services Group at a large accounting firm.
Chris received his Bachelor of Science in Accounting from the University of Connecticut.
Chris has his commercial pilot license SEL with instrument rating and flies various piston aircraft from Hanscom Airport (BED). Also, Chris is a member with, NBAA, AOPA, and COPA.